I'm so pleased that Rachael from Made With Love has given me this award! Thank you!
The rules are I must list seven things about myself and pass it on to seven others, so here goes
1. I love interior design but am ashamed to say my house could do with a makeover! The trouble is that I am very indecisive. One day I'll like one wallpaper, the next another, so I think if I choose one, I'll get bored with it too quickly! I love cosy country styles, anything Laura Ashley, shabby chic and Cath Kidston but can't decide how to mix them all!
2. I am always dieting but never successfully because I love cooking and have a cupboard full of cookery books.
3. I am addicted to buying fabric even if it's just to look at.
4. I love my daughter and I love being a Mum.
5. I am useless at sticking to one thing, I have a huge ammount of half started crafts that I haven't completed and an enormous ammount of craft equipment/tools that I don't have time to use!
6. I'm scared of flying.
7. I love pickled onions!
So now I need to pass it on to seven lovely bloggers, who are
Silky Prudence
Donna Flower
Petit Filoux
Little Cotton Rabbits
Country In The Town
Tea Rose Home
Everything Neet
Congratulations to you guys, you deserve it!